The Next Big Project

This is the situation.  I have £140 birthday money burning a hole in the pocket and I'm looking at the next project (once the Japanese Samurai are all done).

The plan is to buy the figures now and then develop the army towards the back end of the year (so we can build it into plans for 2013).

So the options are:

1) PoW Napoleonics - specifically French.  Most of our Grand Armee battles can be fought using Mark's troops.  But I want to re-try PoW Naps as I really enjoy our other PoW games but Naps never felt the same.  I think with tweaking it could be.  So if I get some French troops (from Baccus) I can also re-base a lot of my British and Prussians so we can test the rules and - if the worst comes to the worst - can always sell them on eBay and make a profit.  But I think its a goer but we need the French (a bit like European WW2 - someone has to be the Germans) to make any battle happen.  PoW means that an army is possible for not that much so I definitely want to give this a go.

2) PoW AWI - a period we've never done but we play a lot of 18C PoW so getting into it will be a cinch.  Both armies are relatively small but the idea of using Indians (sorry, native Americans!), Frontiersmen, Germans and French is quite appealing.  Again, buying both armies will come in well within budget (indeed I can probably stretch to both)

3) WW1 Spearhead - British army.  Russ has his Germans, Ian his French - what's missing?  Of course, a big band of Tommies!  Easy to paint (H&R figures) - just khaki and a dab of flesh!

4) Rebase the Russians!  Not much cost but a load of time.  As I've got my Russians from a variety of sources they all have different bases (sizes, flocks and finishes) and I want to standardise them so they all fit together.  Will only cost about £10 - £15 in bases but worth it.  I also intend to sell off a lot of my surplus Russians (I have too many T-34's for a start).

5) Buy a second hand iPad.  Not wargames related but with the new iPad now out, people are dumping old iPads like yesterday's newspaper.  A bargain is to be had - but will eat up most if not all the birthday budget.

What to do?