Twin Set

With it look more likely that Jake will be playing twins in An Enemy, it could be big career move for him.

Back to indie roots? Sure

A Challenge - Yup

Seeing more of him in one year, than in the past 5? Maybe

Potential niche market? Why not.

And with that there is a Top Ten List. Actually OMG could have done a Top 5 and just x2.

Top Ten Future Twin Sets Jake could take on:

10. There could be the challenge of playing conjoined twins
Chang and Eng BunkerThey were farmers which is up Jake's alley and it would fill the period piece that is still open on his acting resume.

9. Work with his old castmate from Darko and do his
interpretation of the Sprouse doing Zak and Cody of the Suite Life.
(Disney probably already has him tied to it because there is no PoP 2 or 3 to generate revenue)

8. Farrelly it up and conjoin again Fellow Vineyarders Bob and Walt TenorIt's got the Vineyard, baseball, Hollywood, and cooking. And hello CHER! Total Home run,. And he did once say he wanted to have a career like Matt's.

7. Go for the classic, Roman style and do the founders of Rome twins Romulus and Reemus
Then again he has that thing about wolves.

6.Maybe do something Eastern and pursue playing Lava and KushaThere is archery (which is hot now - thank you Hunger Games) and all his years at summer camp and PoP summer camp, he's handled a quiver. But no fear, there is always Texas ranches for practice.

5.How about Going Greek with Castor and Pollux, who you might know them as the Gemini twins. (The ones in the sky, not the boys dancing on the box)
They're stars... hey Jake could play a star.

4.And you can't forget Prince Adam and Princess Adora aka He Man and She Ra, Yup twins. Remember? Despite those disturbing glances and embraces.(when you look back at the show and WTH were TPTB thinking) they were twins.
Talk about a challenge it's a quad! Although he could ride Adora/She-Ra's Spirit/Swift Wind while yelling "I have the power" like He-Man.

3.Equally crazy, (oh you thought it was going to be the Wonder Twins... nope you gotta wait for them) he could do the feature film version of Michael and Gareth Knight.
Oh yeah, you know Jake would love to Hass it up! Bonus it has KITT.

2.Now we get to the real super powers....Zan and Jana. Jake could totally pull of the purple,the Wonder Twins rings, and hanging out with the Superfriends.
(Bonus points for monkey buddy Gleek)

And finally the number one set of twins Jake might want to play:

The Olsens... let's just say - not for their fashion empire.