Sarah Palin's History Lesson on Paul Revere

You'd think a tea-bagger who professes to love America and who decides to travel through every state with her family to "celebrate" our traditions, landscapes, institutions and history, would read up on the basics of our history...

Of course, if the tour is really just a back-alley way to secure funding for her as-yet-undeclared presidential run (because once she does declare her candidacy, she'd have to reveal all financial contributions, especially those of corporations bent on reducing taxes for the rich while screwing the rest of us), then the fact she has no freaking clue what the hell she's talking about should be no surprise to anyone...

Here is Sarah Palin's revisionary history on the significance of Paul Revere and his Midnight Run, which she declared while visiting... wait for it... the focal point for Paul Revere's ride!!!


So, he warned the British to protect our Second Amendment before we even had a Second Amendment... or a First, or a Constitution, or even a Declaration of Independence?

Anyway, if you need a reminder of Paul Revere's story, listen to this:

I wonder if Sarah Palin will characterize this latest failure as yet another "lame-stream-media gotcha moment"...