Wargaming in 100 years time

I was musing last night about how - when we're all dead and gone - what form wargaming will take place in 100 years time.

Will white metal still be around?  Or will other media like plastics or resin take over?  Or a wholly new medium we haven't even used yet?  For example, in 1911 there were no plastic or resin figures - all wargame figures were metal. 

Will a scale dominate in the future, or will there still be a wide range of figures to choose from.  And will we still paint them - or will pre-painted, time saving figures become the order of the day?

Given the technology advancements, will we still play on tables with home-made scenery - or play on a large computer screen that automatically creates scenery and armies which are moved with the sweep of a hand (and no need for dice - a quick tap on the relevant dice icon and up comes your numbers!).

Will we view WW2 wargaming in the way we look on Napoleonic wargaming now.  After all, modern warfare now is about missiles, blowing up stuff from miles away, aircraft killing tanks from 5 miles up etc.  rather than getting close and personal.  Who knows what warfare will be like in 100 years time - so by then we'd view 'modern warfare' pretty much as we currently view colonial / WW1 warfare now.  Will 'modern warfare' mean lasers and robots rather than men and tanks.

Time will tell, I suppose!