Snaps, Pics and Tricks?

After two weeks of being cloistered from photographers Jake emerges flashing a little tea
and A
with Peter

The funny things about pictures. They are not always what they seem or when they say happened.

They say that Jake went out with Adam to the movies at the Arclight on June after having dinner in Westwood with other gentleman.

Now we know that Jake and Adam went out on May 29th from this picture.

Check Jake out as the man in black. Black Henley, dark wash jeans, black hat.
LinkBut wait Ted said in his reporting of the evening that restaurant sources said "He [Jake] looked very rugged, handsome and was wearing a denim blue shirt, blue jeans, boots and had a buzzed haircut teamed with a sexy scruffy beard."

But that's not what he was wearing at the Arclight.

So when was he wearing that? Saturday night May 28th.

Blue jeans, boots, scruffy beard

And the denim blue shirt? Well Jake thought he had that all covered. Close but no cigar, buddy.
Just like a peek of blue sky on a grey day, it stands out and brings a smile.

It looks like there was more than just moving the date of when Jake was at the Arclight. It looks like they were trying to blend two nights into one.

Why would they want to roll what Jake did Saturday night over to the same night he went out with his friend Adam? Was it because they need a cover for Jake's Saturday night?

Why would you need to do that if it was just a business dinner and why would Jake cover up so what that you couldn't see what he was wearing?

And why would Jake park in the underground parking lot near the Napa Valley Grille when they have valet parking? Did he not want the truckster scratched? (nah he uses valets all the time) Or did he want to use the parking garage to slip in and out into the restaurant without hanging around at the front entrance and drawing attention?

Oh and speaking of smiles. Jake's hasn't been smiling much when the he gets pap'd lately. Now who would he be having dinner with to make him so Guy Smiley that he was still grinning for the paparazzi?

Dinner May 28th
Gym May 2010
Sept 2007 -Dinner at Jar

November 2005