Thursday wargaming

The ancients campaign hit the buffers as Mark called off the nights' activities - citing 'domestic issues.  This means 'er indoors put the foot down and he spent the evening cleaning out the chicken coop.

As a result Ian and Russ had a grand little ECW game covering the opening skirmish of the war (where Parliamentarian cavalry on the road to Worcester were suprised by Prince Rupert and his cavalry).

I just spectated and it was a really nice evening - where we spent more time talking about wargaming, the upcoming Phalanx and Gauntlet shows, 6mm vs 28mm (again!), painting and just general chat.

My son was engaged in an ancients battle on another table and there was a fantastic Boxer Rebellion game on which seemed to be a lot of fun (I think this is covered in Will's Wargaming Blog').

So despite being let down by Mark - who has also cried off for the next few weeks with more 'domestic' stuff (meaning the chicken coop will be gleaming!) we didn't do much ancients campaign stuff (just as well as my Macedonians are doomed) but still had a good night.

Next week is likely to be an Impetus bash with our 10mm ancients - probably at Ian's house for a change.  Which is nice!