28mm Afrika Korps (no, your eyes do not decieve you)

I'm not a 28mm wargamer (as you probably know).  But in the early days of 2008 I tried my hand at 28mm - mainly sci-fi and Pulp skirmish games.

I thought about doing an Indiana Jones type scenario involving adventurers, the Germans (Afrika Korps), French (Foreign Legion) and British (Tommies in desert colours).  But it came to naught and now I'm painting them up for E-bay.

Most of the troops are Artizan - which have lots of poses and personality.  But the sticking point is colour schemes.  I think I've foind the right shade of green for jackets and the odd forage cap but the standard DAK uniform 'sandy' colour seems to elude me.

I've tried everything from Iraqi Sand to Yellow Ochre and looking at different images on Google it is hard to find a definitive colour scheme.  Indeed, I'm tempted to do them in a variety of sandy shades as they don't appear to have settled on any specific colour type.

The photos below show different attempts to date (they're not finished models, by the way!  Plenty of detail, drybrushing and shading to do).  Any tips on the right colour scheme (Vallejo reference if you have it) would be gratefully received.