Birthday Game-a-Bration

My little brother and I had our birthdays this week. Our celebrations combined into one big game day on Saturday. Kevin brought his fiancee and a friend to Rusty Quarters in Uptown, where I joined them for some retro arcade action.

This place is amazing. It stayed busy for the entire two hours we were there. And the clientele were as diverse as the Supercades of yore--from the toddler straining to reach the trackball for Crystal Castles, to the spiked-n-studded punk rock girl playing Tetris. I introduced the kids to Rampage and set a high score in Ms. Pac-Man. Kevin immediately smashed that one and beat the previous record-holder for Galaga.

Afterward we went to my parents' house and played Nexus Ops. I bought this board game on eBay with my Christmas money and it is awesome. This was followed by a few rounds of Flash Duel, my other brother's birthday gift to me (also awesome). To top it off, my parents gave me a copy of Survive: Escape From Atlantis! I'll have to bust that out at the next family game day.