A little old, a little new

You could see the old Jake shine as
introduced Meryl Streep as only Jake could with his own humorous take about the acting legend Streep "as the terrifying 'Hank's mom,' who disapproved of him [Jake]Link as a 13-year-old bad influence on her son, Henry" (LA Times).

Does Jake know everyone in Hollywood since childhood? It seems like it.

"Look at this scruff"

"No hug for me?"

"Meryl, watch out for Dieter's hands"

"See what I'm talking about?"

And we've got to see the new Jake who is pretty open about sharing the Berlinale events with Austin.
Check out what Jake is subconsciously doing.

It looks like the luncheon at the U.S. embassy was one of the first things Austin joined Jake at, with the official embassy webpage dating the event Saturday the 11th.

Then he's continued to be seen official events with Jake.
And Austin isn't too shy about dropping anvils either.

I met Meryl Streep tonight. What a pleasure to meet one of my heroes. Congrats to Meryl for taking home the Golden Bear. - Aus10

Speaking of dropping, Julian is dropping his Director Guild card tonight on the Crazy Tree. Tonight on The Tree:
“Catastrophe and the Cure”
aka "All about Nathan" — Nathan is kidnapped by Eastern European thugs for signing basketball players. Bad Dad Dan enlists Julian (with his handy dandy Director's Guild card) to help in his search for Nathan. Fat Mouth fills in Crazy Clay about - who else? Nathan. While the Real Housewife of Tree Hill Haley is left to explain No show Nathan to Jamie. Mogul BrookeDavis gets an idea of how to bring patrons to an empty Karen’s CafĂ©, and Chris Keller confronts Bartender Chase about them both sleeping with Tara. (Flip a coin maybe?)

But don't mess with Julian - he's a man with a badge - A Director's Guild of America badge.