Over the hill - alternative roads for wargaming

This shows a common problem with some wargames scenery.  Resin roads look great on the flat but put one on a hill and you've got a ramp that leads to mid-air.

So how do you get a road to follow the contours of a hill?  I've come across the webbed stuff that you use to stop stuff sliding off your car dashboard.  It comes in a long roll and can be picked up for £1 or so in discount shops.

Cut into strips then paint brown then add a lighter strip in the middle.  Flock the edges and voila!  A flexible road (that also works on hex terrain).

You can also use the same method for rivers (substitute blue for the lighter brown).

Maybe not as realistic as the resin roads, but they follow the contours and look fine from a couple of feet away.  And doesn't create ski jumps on the battlefield!