Born of frustration!

As I am 'between jobs' at the moment (spending all day today going to Manchester and back for two recruitment agency meetings) we only have have one car.  This the wife drives to work while I have to rely on pedal power to get around during the day (giving me thighs like the Hulk and buns of steel).

This is normally not a problem - for example I travelled to Manchester on the train - but on Games night (i.e. tonight) the wife knows that I need to set off in good time...especially as its DBA night tonight.

Now call me a cynic but every day this week she's rolled in at 5.50pm.  The same last week - except for one day.

Can we all guess which day that was? 

Correct.  Thursday.

So quelle suprise that just as I'm carting the campaign boxes downstairs to the front door the phone goes.  It's Mrs B - informing me (at 5:40pm) that she's not yet left the office and will 'hopefully' be home at 6:15.  But no guarantees.

Now bear in mind that if I snatch the car keys off her, sprint to the car and take on North Wales' finest speed cops I may reach the club at 6:45pm.  May...but probably won't.  As I need to load the car, listen to her drivel on for 5 minutes about the terrible day she's had (and nod and grunt every minute or so to make her think I give a crap) and also say goodbye (which will mean more drivel as she tells me her plans for tomorrow). 

And I'm taking bets now that next Thursday will also be a night where she gets unavoidably detained and tries to make it home by 6:30pm.
