Another Impetus bash tomorrow - Macedonians vs Indians

This will be interesting.  Alexander is a Genius (+4!)and one of the units (Companion Cavalry) have an Impetus of 3 and VBUof 7 (ouch!).  Baggsy the Macedonians.

The Hypaspists too look to be tough (6 VBU) but only 1 Impetus ("We don't charge!  We let others charge us!").

Interestingly the pike units look weak (4 VBU, I =1) so I assume there is some sneaky bonus they get.  At least I hope so.

As for the Indians, I have no idea.  I assume bows, elephants and loin-cloth rabble but you never know.

Mark is back this week (huzzah) after being ripped off in Italy (14 Euros for 2 cups of coffee - oh my word!).  He'll love these rules - I can see him romping his units all over the battlefield and getting cut to ribbons.

I've learned from my mistakes - don't move, don't expose flanks, stay on Opportunity.  Easy!