Wabbit Season

On Sunday morning I was watching some Juncos pecking around on our lawn, when I saw a flash of white out by the compost bin... our first Spring bunny! At first I just snapped a few photos but as I got closer, it was clear that this was a tame rabbit. My neighbor helped catch her and I spent most of Sunday building a rabbit hutch.

Natalie named the rabbit "Faye," but soon changed her mind to "Sasha" (pronounced "Sha-sha"). I have no idea where she came up with either of these names. We got some food and treats and bowls at the pet store. Then we moved Sasha from the pet carrier into her new hutch for the night.

I'm trying to figure out the breed; my best guess is a "broken brown" Rex. That would mean she could be either a juvenile or fully grown, depending on whether she's a standard or "mini" Rex. Coincidentally, when I checked on our hens I found the first egg of the year, and I told Natalie that Sasha laid it.