What do you want for your birthday?

Seven words to bring joy to a wargamers heart.  Its my birthday in April and I've got to choose something...but  what?  More early war Russian tanks for the Spearhead campaign?  Additional samurai for the Japanese campaign?  Or Korean / Chinese opponents?  Baccus ACW?  Or something new - like AWI.  Or bolster the existing stuff (like Napoleonics ).

I'm tempted to go for some ECW stuff - but Ian has a stack of ECW stuff already so not much point.  Perhaps Dark Ages?  Or some medieval stuff?

Point is - and as you can see - I don't really know!  But I can do some elimination.

Early Russian - I don't need much (a few BT5's and BT7's, the odd T-28 and T35).
ACW - we're doing this as a collective group so no need to worry about this at present.
ECW - no need.
Napoleonics - tricky as most of mine are now based (or will be) for Grand Armee.  So unless we're doing another rule set then its unlikely I need any more for now.

So it comes down to AWI (which we've never done) or adding to the Japanese (including the Irregular samurai castle!).  

Or perhaps some Spanish Civil War for Spearhead...?

This is impossible!