San Diego eats: Fabrison's

On Friday I ate one orange, one white chocolate mocha, one bowl of melon pieces, one apple, one crepe, one bottle of Orangina, one cocktail, one taco, one burrito, one basket of chips and salsa, and one sangria. That night I had a stomach ache.

No but seriously, folks, this week I ate a lot of meat. My digestive system is completely out of whack trying to figure out how to handle it all. So Friday was a kind a meat cleanse when not a single ounce of animal protein passed my lips. Which brings us to lunch at Fabrison's French Creperie Cafe in Little Italy (of course?).

I ordered a Nutella crepe with whipped cream and to drink, Orangina. It was everything I dreamed of and more! I savored that snack for about an hour and then moseyed around the block for a digestif.