Hair Raising

With only three shows left this can’t be passed over.
It's staring everyone in the face.

So what the heck is it? Bangs (Fringe for your UK’ers)? A Comb Forward? Pieces, as the weave wearing ladies might say? What?

So before this hairstyle gets shelved into the hair “don’t know what it is” Hall of Fame, OMG is going to give it’s top ten suggestions to spur on a creative naming convention. Something this funky has got to be named.

Top Ten List of Names for that thing on the front of Austin’s head.

10. Bang(er)s & Mashed

9. The Val Lance

8. Moses (ie Parting of the Red Sea)

7. The furry Octopus

6. Matt(ed) Downs

5. Lickety Split

4. Downtown Trump Tracks

3. Hook’em Head Hanging Horns

2. Fringelico

And #1

Julian Baker and the Bi-Fold Bangs.

Give it your best shot.