Brené Brown - Listening to Shame

Just a bit over a year ago, I posted an incredible TEDTalk presentation by Brené Brown on the important relationship between wholeheartedness and vulnerability. That entry was, and still is, particularly important to me personally because of certain events and circumstances in my own life that I'm still struggling to resolve.

One of the things I find especially inspiring about Brown is the way her research contrasts and conflicts with her own innate temperament: she's not a cheery, free or open person by nature, and yet when confronted with the findings of her research (and she is forced to either attempt to reconcile her natural proclivities with the findings from her work, or stick to her intuitive guns and remain safe in her solipsistic bubble), hard as it might be, she bursts that bubble open and takes the plunge that will either liberate her or destroy her... or both.

Well, here she is again with that striking wisdom and insight that forces us to confront our own demons and test whether we can become the kind of persons we aspire to be, and possibly maybe even harvest the incredible fruits that such personal and existential risks offer... if we're not destroyed in the process...