Give him a hand

For the squeamish, those who don't want to be spoiled, or who just don't want Jake to lose those great assets he showed off in LaOD read no further.

"The door opens and there to greet visitors is the actor Jake Gyllenhaal. Half of him, anyway. He has been severed below the waist. Rather crudely at that, if his bloodied entrails are any indication. He's also missing his hands. But his face is perfectly intact and his beard is nicely trimmed. He even seems at peace with the world.

It takes a few seconds to realize that this is not what's left of the Brokeback Mountain star, but is actually a near flawless, though partial, Gyllenhaal facsimile, made of clay, acetone, silicone, putty, resins -and one dreads to know what else." - Ottawa Citizen

Looks like Jake got do something he's never had a chance before in a movie, extensive special effects make up. He's put his body through some pretty amazing things to get into his roles, and has been squibbed before (squibs are the blood packets that explode to look like gunshots, explosions) but losing limbs to a train in a battle of man vs. ticking time bomb, is a first.

This is a Sci-Fi Action movie, action with a capital A. And that's what the audience is going to get.

While Duncan is the man who is creating the vision for SC, the man who is creating Jake is Montreal native and Oscar nominee Adrien Morot.

No doubt Jake had to spend some time in the chair being molded so the master could sculpt his mutilated masterpiece. Somewhere in a Montreal workshop there are casts to make a life size Jake, well half a Jake, and in need of a hand out.

Last time in Montreal

Need a hand with that?

Jake was out yesterday at the Four Season in LA. While some are reporting it was a social call, it looks like it was more of a press thing getting ready for Source Code's opening.

UPDATE: New - 2nd trailer for Source Code