Stupor Bowl Weekend

I baked a pie. Jenna was gone shopping with her mom on Saturday morning and it struck me as a fun daddy-daughter activity. Neither of us had ever made a pie before, so it was a fun learning experience for both of us! Natalie helped me add ingredients, mix things up, and throw flour all over the kitchen. It turned out pretty well for a first-try pie, if I do say so myself.

We watched the first half of the Super Bowl together as a family. Whenever the Packers scored a touchdown I lifted up Natalie and swung her around in celebration. She enjoyed this thoroughly. Then it was bath time. Thanks to the magic of DVR I was able to put Natalie to bed, watch the entire game by skipping past all the commercials, and still enjoy the final decisive minutes in realtime with the rest of America.

p.s. go Pack go, Super Bowl champions, etc.