V.D. Weekend

I don't know if it's the recent warm snap or what, but we are making a lot of food lately. My coworker gave me a bag of lemons last week. There's only one thing to do when that happens: make lemonade! Natalie helped juice and stir. I made some sourdough bread all by myself. The recipe works great, except that it's completely tasteless; maybe add some seasoning next time.

My parents took us out to dinner at The Marsh on Saturday night. I took Jenna to the spa there during our honeymoon so it was fun to go back. On Sunday after church I stuck around for the new members class. We've been attending the same church (warning! website makes noises) for a few months now and it might be time to make it official.

Monday was my 30th birthday. I went out to lunch with my coworkers at Matt's Bar for my first Jucy Lucy, a quintessential Twin Cities culinary experience. On my way home I picked up a bouquet and balloon for my girls. They both enjoyed their gifts (Natalie loves balloons almost as much as she loves cake). Jenna made stuffed noodles and tiramisu for dinner. It was a wonderful birthday weekend!