Wargamers - why use any other scale than 6mm?

We've had this discussion a few times - not so much a discussion as we all agree that 6mm - 10mm is by far the best scale to wargame in.  But I do wonder why other scales are so popular.

So I've compiled an easy to reference (and completey unbiased) comparison between 28mm and 6mm.

Cost of figures

28mm : Expensive. Especially Foundry! Some plastic figures come in cheaper but still.  An army of 240 figures could easily cost over £300.

6mm : Cheap as chips!  240 figures?  To you squire, £15.


28mm : Takes ages to paint an army. You are duty-bound to do all the fiddly bits – using the right colour for each fiddly bit - including the buttons, belts, scabbards etc.

6mm : Blob, blob, blob. Oh, my 240 strong army is done! Only took an hour. Next!


28mm :  Normal sized table? That leaves just enough space for...another skirmish.  I'll just line my troops up directly opposite yours and we'll get down to it.  Spotting? Well, you can see them can't you...what's the point.  What's that?  You want to wargame a real battle like Waterloo? You’ll need to hire an aircraft hangar - and re-mortgage the house to buy the figures.

6mm : Proper battle on a dining room table with room for strategic manouvre, flanking, feints…Look at the space we can exploit here!  I may deploy on the left flank...or the right.  Waterloo you say? That means pushing two tables together!


28mm : Say goodbye to your bank balance.

6mm : So that village cost £5? With the trees! And the bridge.


28mm : Taking an army and scenery with you down the Club? You obviously have a van. And a helper, And a fork-lift truck.

6mm :  My army fits into that A4 box folder. The scenery fits in the other A4 box holder.

The ‘look’

28mm : Very pretty. You can see their faces and everything. Look at the fantastic detail! It just took 4 years to get them on the table.

6mm : Pink blob for the face BUT the mass effect of thousands of figures makes up for it. It looks like a real battle as viewed from a helicopter.  Look at those massed hordes!