Peacock and Pedals

As an actor Austin tells stories through his actions.

As a writer Austin tells stories through his words.

As a director Austin tells tells stories through his images.

And to be successful, all multifaceted, layered and complex.

Like why did Austin pick a peacock? Because they like peace and harmony? Is he saying during the mating season he makes that very loud high pitched cry like a peacock? That he was chosen by his mate for the size, color, and quality of his outrageous feather?

Is he thinking of Greco-Roman mythology when the goddess Hera /Juno is symbolized by the peacock. "The eyes upon the peacock's tail comes from Argus whose hundred eyes were placed upon the peacock's feathers by the goddess in memory of his role as the guard of Io, a lover of Zeus that Hera had punished. The eyes are said to symbolize the vault of heaven and the "eyes" of the stars." Hmmmmm who's eyes could those be?

Or maybe a Hindu connection, where the peacock is associated with Lakshmi who is a deity representing benevolence, patience, kindness, compassion and good luck.

Or maybe how the peacock is associated with Kwan-yin in Asian spirituality. Kwan-yin (or Quan Yin) is also an emblem of love, compassionate watchfulness, good-will, nurturing, and kind-heartedness.

In Persia, the peacock is seen as a guardian to royalty, and is often seen in engravings upon the thrones of royalty. Hmmmm Persian Royalty .... like a Prince?... a Prince of Persia?

Maybe he just likes NBC's Thursday night comedies, or just proud as a peacock about something or someone(s) else and it's the only way to say it at the moment?

And then later last night Austin put up this tweet and this picture:

I rode all over Austin, Texas today. Make sure yall get on the bike tomorrow for #twowheeltuesday.

Austin on a bike, so what.

Blow it up and look again. How do you take a picture of yourself from the left side of the bike with your foot still in the clips on the right pedal.

Austin's tall but.... who knew he is more flexible than Gumby to pull off that move of bending basically back and to the left with both hands off the bike, taking a picture, keeping the balance of the bike AND still having his right foot in the pedal. Damn boy what kind of working out are you doing? Some Bikram yoga? Tracy Anderson workouts? Pilates? Prince of Persia workouts? Jake just rubbing off on you?

And for that matter - how is here no shadow of him on the cement?

Tonight on the Crazy Tree:

BrookeDavis(TM) and her supportive wonderJBra as moving full steam ahead to adopt. Three weeks into the marriage the honeymoon's over ... BrookeDavis(TM) needs a baby damnit and she's going to get one. (You know if they did a Raising Arizona thing - it has a chance of being somewhat good- Austin would be awesome as H.I. [who thinks he's thought about a diaper run like that] - but the Crazy Tree won't so don't get your hopes up) And of course it being OTH there will be someone that they suddenly meet who wants to give up their baby and they will have a brand new perfect infant after 3 weeks of being married and before they are 30. Ohhhh yeah that's based on reality for sure. And because it's not AllaboutBrooke, The Crazy Tree girls throw a baby shower for The Real Housewife of Tree Hill, while the guys bond over Jamie tries out for baseball, and Mouth helps Millie get ready for her first day at a new job. (Maybe he will get her one of the nifty lunch boxes like Harrison Ford did for Melanie Griffith in Working Girl)

Here's our Two Wheel Tuesday.