Ancients Campaign update

Not much happened this week as myself and John went toe to toe in an epic struggle in the East.  My Macedonians lacked sufficient cavalry and skirmishers to harry / scare off his troops and - though we never tested it - I suspect he lacked the numbers of heavier troops to push through.

What we did learn was that horse archers are great if left unmolested - a mistake I won't make again.

Having therefore spent hours bashing each other to no avail, we have reached a mutual understanding and - instead of taking each other on - have decided to jointly put the Pontic Empire to the sword by mutually invading their territories.

Rome meanwhile has done a little bit of meandering and has left the Carthaginians parked in Siciliy and with another army in close support, the Romans may find themselves running from one end of Italy to the other as Carthage tests Roman defences by hitting in Sicily and through Gaul in seperate turns.

As I'm away for a couple of weeks (and John can't make next week) it looks like the campaign is taking a brief back seat - but is poised for some dramatic action in the next few game years...