Cheese Boy

What would you think if you were compared to cheese. Sometimes it's good thing, like being The Big Cheese. But a softie maybe not?

From the LA Times:
"Cheeses whose creamy centers give like a soft-serve cone on a hot day will always have dates to the cheese prom. The spreadable, sweet demeanor of crèmes leads to instant popularity, and their snowy rinds and plush interiors make them some of the best-looking wheels around. But even cheeses made of pure decadence and cream, whose presence can elicit sighs like Jake Gyllenhaal appearing shirtless in the "Prince of Persia," can bore. Talk to a cheesemonger who has been sampling Brillat Savarin or Fromage D'Affinois to customers for years, and you'll likely be met with a resigned sigh or shrug of the shoulders.

Well Jake and cheese do go way back.

(yup that is Jakey in the "trailer" for This is Spinal Tap)

Look how he rolls!

Jake - double or triple creme? Is he soft and creamy?

And Mr Nichols?

A Dutch Edam?

Or good ole' Longhorn?

And with those noggins it's a toss up who is The Stinky Cheese Man. But that bacon grin might be the deciding factor. (An who's head is more Gorgonzola?) "Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm The Stinky Cheese Man!"

Soon you will be like Cheese Boy: melty, melty, melty! (Artie The Stongest Man in the World - The Adventure of Pete & Pete)