Tuttle! Call me Hairy!

All I have to say this weekend is... I LOVE BRAZILIANS. - AUS10

The Top Ten BRAZILIANS Austin might be loving (and don't think it's because he went and saw Rio or caught Terry Gilliam's Brazil again)

10. Brazilian Barbeque?

9.Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu ?

8. Brazilian Football?

7. Brazilian Sambas?

6. Brazilian Carnival?

5. Brazil's Gisele Bunchen? (you know 'cause Austin kinda has bit of Tommy B look, (please don't do the headband Austin) )

4. Brazil Nuts?

3. Brazilian Butt Lift ?

2. Brazilian Blow outs ?

or after all the talk about silky smooth and buffed

A good Brazilian Wax?

Austin was seen out last night The DeLeon Tequila Two Year Anniversary party at the Chateau Marmont.How sad is a party that's on the slowest night of the week? Who has a party for alcohol on a Sunday night? And did you the guest list?

Austin gets points for the hair,(looking good)
the new shoes, and the outfit.
Doubtful that it was his idea to go, he's not the person who needs the red carpet fix.

Wonder if he's like that other time when he went along for the drinks and the free tequila .

This looks like a (kinda) grin and bear it night.

Kind of like another fella.

Jake's Mr Mopey here seen with Atti and friends.

Know that everyone is saying this Jake doing the canyon on Sat. But is it a bait and switch.

Ask yourself:

Why were the tweets just seeing Jake? No mention of being with friends.

And come on no mention of Atti or just Jake and his dog on the trail? When he's out with Atti people notice.