May the Fourth be with you

Had to do it, how can you not.

Jake and Austin both have worn helmets that look like Spaceballs. And Austin works with Princess Vespa. But it's all about Star Wars today.

So who would they be?

Well, despite Jake working with a young Anakin back in the day in London, you know he'd never go Darth. Come on, with all the talk about Harrison Ford from him, you know Jake is all about Han Solo.

And Han is one of the greatest anti-heroes on film. Smart, sarcastic and possessing of a certain cocksure charisma, how could Jake not want to be Han.

Even Ford had revisionist history to change his story. Well his character's past.

No matter how you spin it now George, people don't forget.

And who's right by Han's side?

You know it.Hmmm how Squatchi

You know this could work for Season 9. Even the hair ... Dammit I gave it away. Sorry Schwahny.

Then again, there's that special bond between R2D2 and C3P0, that people are still talking about almost 35 years later.

And their metals didn't match either.

You don't think Jake was getting cinnamon buns for a practice run for this do you?

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

Who are you? Take the test.

Happy Star Wars Day!