Dogs and cats living together...

Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!

Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...

The dead rising from the grave!

Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

With all the talk leading to the end of the world and the rising of the dead OMG follows suit.

Oh drat. I just heard the world is ending tomorrow. Headed to wal-mart for canned beans and batteries. - Aus10

As Austin prepared to hole up with beans and batteries. And wait a minute Mr. Environment, batteries for what?

There are crank and solar radios

and flashlights
and cell phone chargers.

Then again a stockpile of beans you may need batteries for hand fan.

But are you prepared for zombies?

The city of Austin is ready, how about you?

Yes Yes you might have fought them on screen but doesn't that mean that you can handle them in real life.

No worries the CDC has got you covered for getting ready for zombies.

And who's the one that got churched? That would be Jake. And in his Underoos no less.

And that was not just any church but one quite famous in movie history.

And you thought only Jake and Dustin had this in common.