Film Bank

Austin has been a little cryptic about the movie his working on, but has OMG cracked the code?

I just started a really cool film today. I LOVE MOVIES

I am wearing a long wig. I have fake sideburns and the year is 1969. That's all I can tell you about this film right now.

Is he working on "As Cool as I Am", that's shooting in New Mexico at moment?

Based on Peter Fromm's coming of age novel it is the story of Lucy Diamond, the teen daughter of self-centered parents who married too young and never had a chance to experience their youth. James Marsden and Claire Danes play the parents. Sarah Bolger plays their daughter, Lucy. At one point Maggie was considered for the role of the mom and Dakota was one considered for the role of Lucy.

It is and independent film with writer-director Max Mayer heading it up.

It may be way off based, no way to know until Austin says more. But one thing we can ponder is what Austin would be looking like in 1969.

While Austin is working, Jake's counting the change. Jake was seen heading into a bank yesterday in Beverly Hills. High financing or just visiting those treasures in the safe deposit box?

One thing for sure is Jake would have to take off those Ray Bans and show those baby blues for those cameras in there.