2011 in review

So, 2011, huh? That definitely happened. The end of last year/beginning of this one have blurred past as we continue adjusting to life with two children. Paisley got her first tooth, Natalie had a magical Christmas, and I got a vasectomy. What else happened in 2011?
  • I took up running and trained regularly for about eight months, the longest time I have ever stuck with an exercise regimen, by far. I also completed four races.
  • Paisley was born and we had a wee one in the house again. She was baptized with water from the Jordan River. I love her.
  • Natalie turned three. She started preschool in the fall and is taking a ballet/tap dance class. She knocked out a tooth. She is smart and funny and sweet. I love her.
  • It was the sixth year for Craftstravaganza and the second Minneapolis Indie Xpo. I wasn't involved much with MIX this time around but still moderated two artist panels and had a great time at the show.
  • Creative projects for the year:
  • Some chickens lived, some chickens died, some chicks grew up to be hens; the circle of life goes on.
  • We are still married! Honestly, every year has been better than the one before. Raising kids can be a challenge but I think that has brought us even closer together. Our love will last forever and ever.
Did I keep my New Year's Resolution? No. Do I have goals for 2012? Of course! First, spend less money than last year because for serious, we need to do that. Dress better at work (but without, you know, spending any money). Plant a Paisley tree. Make [SECRET CRAFT PROJECT]. Keep on being awesome.