Instant boards for DBA

One of the final elements required for the DBA campaign is an 'official' sized table (2' square).   But I didn't feel like carting a 2' square board everywhere and - anyway - chances are we'll need at least 2 as battles may take simultaneously.

So I had two brainwaves.  One was to buy some robust material and cut it to size.  That way we can use the normal club game tables and have an instant 'correct sized' area to hold the battles on.  So I went to Calico Laine and they cut me two pieces of acrylic fabris (one green for normal battles, one sandy coloured for desert battles).

But I also saw (in Poundland while buying more birdseed and fat balls for the sparrows who live in our hedge) some adhesive backed floor tiles.  These are exactly 1' square - so 4 make up the required area.  Cutting the material to size and sticking them to the back of the tiles, I have an easily portable DBA gaming area for the campaign.

The original 2' square area and a 1' square floor time (25p each)

Tile with material attached to the sticky side

4 tiles together create the perfect 2' square gaming area.  Simples!