Battle of Safi - WW2 Spearhead

The overall battlefield

An interesting battle, where green US troops engaged Vichy French to gain the port of Safi.  Interesting that the French let the Germans land unopposed down the coast, yet put up a tremendous resistance against the Americans.

Not much of a battle report to be fair.  What essentially happened was that my dice were so spectacularly bad for most of the battle - and Ian became a dicing god with a succession of 6's.  The plan was sound - kill the big gun, take the harbour, get many troops ashore somewhere else.

As it was, my battleship failed to kill the gun so I had to get the destroyer to do it (meaning fire support was lacking at a crucial stage), my town attack failed despite having multiple advantages (mainly due to rubbish dice) and my air support had to fly off just as it was going to take out Ian's tank (which then decimated my troops).

A solid win for the French and ignomy for the Yanks.

Anyway, much nicer are the pictures of Ian's scenery.


Cliffs with the big gun which 6 fire missions from a battleship failed to hit.
Harbour section and Safi town 

Landing to the left of the harbour.

French vehicles leave the barracks to polish off the recent landing

Air support flies back to refuel

Another landing further to the left.  Not enough to make a difference though
My reserve move in, but the damage is done already.