Out of the Woods?

Who is....

While most of the cast of OTH came to the screening. Austin didn't make it, leaving many wondering, where in the "wide wide world of sports" (name that movie) was he?So the question for Austin Friday : Where was Austin last night?

Well in "the middle of the Q & A Mark said he got a text from Austin saying why he can't be here and how he wishes he could." (source) "He had to fly to Texas for personal reasons." (source)

Well that answers one big question that people were debating. To fly to Texas he had to leave from somewhere, and that would be LA since if he was still in Texas since Christmas, he wouldn't have to fly. And his home since college has been LA.

But there are other questions. Like why didn't they say something before the screening started, since Austin was scheduled to be there. Maybe they didn't know until the last minute?

But then maybe they should have asked the moderator of the evening. She tweeted he couldn't make it, responding to a fan who asked her to give him a hug, at 11:00am (PDT) on Thursday. (Gold star to PG for that great find)

"Austin isn't actually going to be there, but I would if I could!" - MegMasters Jan 5 - 11:01 PDT

Funny how Austin tweeted in the afternoon, and never mentioned anything. He definitely knew then he wasn't going to make it at 4:00 (PDT) yesterday afternoon.


Was there another reason he wasn't there and didn't say he wasn't going be himself? Did he not like the seating assignment he got? (ex. "Mouth next to Brooke next to Julian") Or was it the potential questions that seem be growing on Twitter that could have come up during the Q&A?

Personal reasons can mean a lot of things, and all joking aside hoping there is nothing seriously wrong.

But just in case Austin you've had pulled up roots and said not one more night of the Crazy, you could have really gotten creative with your reasons for not making it.

Here's OMG channeling OTH Top 10 alternatives to "Had to go to Texas for Personal Reasons."

10. After the Iowa Caucus, received a vision quest (ie. Jake talking in his sleep) to go TX and get Rick Perry's BBM jacket.

9. Hypotherapy has made him unable to render the word BrookeDavis ever again.

8. Didn't want to get shaken down for a large pile of cash for swearing on set, ...again.7. No Dog Suit. No Go.6. Really wanted to go for sushi with JC Chasez too.

5. If Mother Baker wasn't coming, Juju Bee wasn't either.4. Wouldn't let him go shirtless and his fancy tuxedo shirt was in the wash.3. Found out from the lab that the tears of BrookeDavis are indeed toxic.2. Caught in an 8 minute loop over and over again. Wait that's a new show on CBS next season.

and the #1 Crazy Tree alternatives to why he couldn't be there:

Heard the dog that ate Dan's heart was rumored to be coming and knew he could never be top dog and wasn't going to be anyone bitch either.

Hope everything's A-OK Austy