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No you're not dreaming. Even with Austin talking about dreams for days.
Even when they seem out of reach, never stop chasing your dreams. Run at them. Head First. -AUS10

But Austin's got his eyes wide open for this one.

Real Dreamers Dream With Their Eyes Open. -AUS10

It's been while since we've seen them together, but Jake and Austin were back and making sure they everyone knew saw it.

Right back there, the tall Texan
-Did you see him?
Oh yeah you did-
But just in case ...
ohhhh yeah....

One look at the smile on Jake's face you knew who he was looking at, that distinct profile in the window gives it away, and that one little piece of hair that is sticking up makes it even cuter.

After lunch with friends, that included mutual friend Adam Levine, Jake and Austin took a few moments talking to one of the group for cameras to give it there best shot.

Ever the director, Austin knew exactly how to walk just behind Jake and remain in the perfect sight line for the lenses to capture them together.
All the while having his eyes checking out Jake's backfield in motion.

Another thing the video on X17 showed was how Austin made his was to the far side of the family truckster first but then came around to make sure the cameras captured him getting in the car with Jake.

What a better way to celebrate Austin Friday!

Keep it up guys!

A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling thru
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true.