When (Stuffed ) Animals Attack

Voice Over: The animals in silent repose wait for the right moment to strike. Their target is unaware of the danger that lurks mere feet away.
Sensing something he knows to make no sudden movements.Trapped he begins to panic.Making one last cry he succumbs to his fate.
And it begins.
Together they overtake the elusive Sasquatch.Knowing they only have one chance.
It is over quickly, the prey is theirs.

Nic...stop playing around and pick up up the stuff before one of them wakes up.

A little story is not going to stop Jake. He showed off with a roar. Looking hot in a black t-shirt and sunglasses clean shaven and sporting a new haircut.

Gorgeous Gorgeous Gorgeous

It was reported he was at the Dr.'s office, but it looks like he stopped at the bank too, from the marble facade behind him. And the black family truckster is back. Guess the grey (goose) one is still at home in the garage.

Happy Austin Friday.