Pendraken 10mm Ancients new additions

I quite like Pendraken's 10mm figures (mainly for the price but they do have some units that look good).  But a lot of their ranges have left a lot to be desired and usually come in just one pose (not ideal for 'realistic' battle lines).

However, I suspect they have a new sculptor on board as their new range of 10mm mid-Republican Romans look much better - and they now offer a variety of poses in each set.

I've ordered some (notably the Italian allies that can double as opponents for early Roman expansion in the DBA campaign) but also to buy some hastati and principes as they look so much better than my original Pendraken ones.

Principes (or possibly hastati)


Cavalry with Tribune (or possibly Consul)

Anyway, if you like 10mm ancients (who doesn't!) check them out here.