Smaller and smaller

Although Austin's interview on the Tony Danza show went poof on YouTube, it is still out on the Interwebs.

Remember this?

But you had to wonder, why did Austin only Danza's show to promote Glory Road and nothing else?

And why would Danza have Austin, his character wasn't that prominent in storyline?

Could it be that Tony already knew of Austin?

How? From a guest appearance Austin did five years earlier on the CBS series Family Law?

(Austin back in 2001 on the series Pasadena)

While Austin was in college he did some guest parts on shows, and one was for Family Law's third season for episode (#6) called Sacrifices that Oct 29, 2001.
Austin played James Perliss. The episode had two stories: Lynn(Kathleen Quinlan) fights to help a couple retain custody of their 14 children when DCF decides they can not adequately care for them; Randi (Dixie Carter) represents a man seeking to maintain the amount of child support he receives from his ex-wife. But there was a third attorney in the practice, and who was that? Tony Danza he played attorney Joe Celano in the episode.

Small World isn't it. Maybe that's how he knew Austin loved Who's the Boss? You have to wonder if Austin still have the DVD set Tony gave him during the interview.

It's another example of all the stories we have heard about anyone who has worked with Austin thinks he's a great guy and want to work with (or in this case interview) again.

Who would have been more fun to see Austin meet on the Family Law set? Dixie Carter of course. A good Southern Boy meet Ms. Julia Sugarbaker herself? Oh my that's enough to give a grrl the vapors.