Too hot to blog!

We're experiencing a mini-heatwave in the UK - and especially around our neck of the woods in Wallasey.  The weekend therefore consisted mainly of deckchairs, beer, bike rides along the coast, sunbathing and falling asleep in deckchairs (and therefore obtaining a red face and chest).

There's something about sunny weather that means you don't want to miss a minute of it (unless you're a teenager like my eldest who spent most of Sunday morning curled up on the sofa watching crud on TV).  I made up for him by spending virtually all Sunday out of doors (except for various shopping trips to replace my bike innertube, get some groceries and primer for my myriad 'projects').  I'd pretty much done the same on Saturday, putting out the washing then sitting in the sun de-flashing my Rapier 6mm Successor army.

We live right on the coast so I also went for a couple of bike rides - one at sunset which was fantastic (except for the piles of litter on the beach where the underclasses had sat all day and who simply left their crap on the beach rather than - as any normal human being would - put it in a bag and put it in the bin).  Some people....

Inbetween I also found time to finish preparing my trees for sale on e-bay.  I'd picked up a box of Christmas tree branches on Ebay but on delivery found they were too big for 6mm.  So I've based them up and put them for sale for Flames of War etc. as they are ideal for 15mm - 20mm scale.

But all this warm weather also meant I was not up for much blogging over the weekend and judging from the vistitor numbers and posts on other blogs not many others were up for doing much on the computer much this weekend either.

I did manage to sell my FOG stuff and most of the WW2 tank books (mostly for the listed price - which is a shame) - which has funded my Italian and German fleets and the rest of the Triples purchases so I'm still way ahead in the selling vs buying stakes at present.  The Nap Prussians will hopefully be ready this week so I can unload them to create a bigger warchest for the iPad and future purchases (WW1 British?  SYW Spanish?).