Achtung Schweinehund!

I was bought this for Christmas by Mrs B. and decided to read it on the train to London.  I thought it was just going to be about Commando comics and Airfix models (certainly the first chapter gave that impression) so I wasn't convinced it was going to be for me but - thankfully - he then moved into 'proper' wargaming including 28mm, 20mm, 54mm and pretty much everything inbetween.

It included some fantastic observational humour - such as the characters you meet at gaming shows, LARP players etc. - as well as the obsessional elements of the hobby (he calculated that it had taken him over a week - full time - to paint a stand of 28mm SYW figures).

He's really spot-on with lots of his writing (like hiding the hideous amounts of money we spend on the hobby, the piles of unpainted lead etc.) as well as portraying some of the characters he's met along the way. 

He also provides a good history of how the hobby developed and grew - including some great stuff on Hinton Hunt.

Anyway, a cracking read - especially for wargamers - and lots of pages where you look up and say 'that's me, that is!'.