The Murders in the Rue Poule

One more chicken got killed today. Half our flock was decimated last week, and today's fatality cuts the total in half again. From six chickens down to one in eight months! Jenna found the sole survivor cowering in the corner of the coop, which is where she will stay, safely locked up until I can build a more secure run.

Our number one suspect is the big dog that comes into our yard from time to time. Soon after Jenna found the fresh body, this dog walked around the corner and scared the crap out of her. The chicken had been moved. A coincidence, maybe, but just in case we're instituting a zero-tolerance policy for strange dogs on our property.

I was actually thinking about raising chicks this year anyway, so it's not the end of the world. And again, it's kind of a mercy killing since Lacey (a.k.a. the dead one) had the worst time of it over the winter and was looking awfully pecked-over. I'll try to make things comfortable and safe for Prinny, and then bring home some baby peepers.

R.I.P. Lacey