
It's a taxing day for many.

But maybe more a "As You Wish" day for a couple.

I love me some NYC in the springtime. - AUS10

Seems like Mr. Nichols is alluding to being New York and loving it.

So, if Austin is in New York, does that mean Jake's in LA or is he celebrating Passover with his family who live in New York?

And if Austin is in New York is he looking for the Afikomen tonight at the First Seder?
(Maybe start here)

And does a tree grow in Brooklyn? Or Manhattan?

And if Austin is a twactor wouldn't he be this?

Passover is eight days set aside to commemorate the emancipation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt and the gift of a promised land.

A family holiday, most often families gather together for the first Passover Seder, and then invite friends to join them for Seder on the second night.Through the rituals of Passover, families and individuals have the ability to relive and experience the true freedom that their ancestors gained.

Chag Sameach Pesach!