Wascally .....

So tomorrow. You'll wear the suit.

No. You should.

Just... put on ...the suit.

Why me?
It's my ears, isn't it? How could you?

Don't say it.....it's because I'm all ears.

I didn't say anything. Besides you'll look cute.

You should do the suit.

Why me?

Well because you are Too...

Stop right there. Those two things are not related.

You using the Santa Easter defense?

No no no, that' not all. You're a Goose! Know how to handle eggs. And you've woken up with one. Don't try and deny it. There 's video and pictures!
I have no idea how he got there!

Then, of course there's the whole Frank thing. And the Hop thing earlier this month. Jelly beans my ass!

If that was true you could have won the box office.

Suit up floppy.

Floppy? Me? I'll have you know....

Fine. I'll wear it.
I have a much cuter tail anyway.

Happy Easter!

Heads up. Hoods up.

Kangaroo Jake
What's he got in his pouch?
(Yes, it's an Iphone, but let's tap that
childlike imagination that lurks within this weekend)