Back with a bang!

Apologies for non-blogging over the past few days.  The beautiful weather up here meant that I was doing manly chores this weekend (including power-washing the patio, fixing the fence, putting up a new washing line and painting the bench in the front garden).  We also took the dog for a long walk on the beach - which was packed with day-trippers (I saw a queue for the ice-cream van that had 40 people in it!).

I also watched the Masters at Augusta until late last night and Match of the Day on Saturday - so not much time for anything else.

So now I've a bit of quiet time so back to the blogging - which includes an ACW batrep, a WW2 Eastern Front batrep, some shots of re-painted panzers and (hopefully) the final shopping list for the birthday metal - which will encompass Russian and American forces for 1944 and beyond.