Entrenched infantry - Spearhead

My final bit of creativity for Saturday night.  I wanted to make some entrenched infantry markers for Spearhead.

I got out the trusty DAS clay and set about moulding a raised piece of ground and added slit trenches and a couple of shell holes ("Incoming!").

These can be used to denote any infantry in cover (Russians, Germans...) and are replaced by the relevant unit once they leave their entrenchments.

Note that the slit trenches denote the way the base is facing (i.e. it is easy to identify the front of the base) - and important aspect in Spearhead.

I'll probably knock out 20 or so of these - necessary for the usually static Russians and my penchant for digging in and letting the opponent come onto my bullets!

Basic starting point - DAS clay plus trenches

Painted and flocked - next to a tank for scale

From the rear - which way is 'front' is clear to see.