MIX sells out

The Soap Factory

Yesterday at noon we put up the application forms for MIX 2011. We planned to send a big public announcement this morning, but as it turns out, we booked the entire building in eight hours. 52 artists. In 8 hours. The tables filled up fast last year, but this is freaky fast.

It was amazing to see such an incredible response. To have so many artists immediately commit to attendance is a testament to the foundation that our team built last year and the work that Sarah has done since then. Truly outstanding!

The sad part, unfortunately, is that a lot of artists got left out in the cold. I joked about filling up within 24 hours but nobody expected this reaction. MIX was on the radar of a couple of my favorite comic artists last time around, and this year I saw tweets expressing interest from more out-of-town folks I'd be especially sad to miss: Danielle Corsetto! Becky and Frank! Anthony Clark! Dang! I... I need to sit down.