The South(bySouthwest) Rises Again

This is a great three piece sit down with Duncan and Jake about Source Code.

Check out parts two and three here.

They talk about the movie, the Q&A session on Friday night, the conscious Hitchcockian feel in the movie from the script, the art direction, wardrobe, music, the advantages of a smaller budget in terms of filmmaking, Explosions with their own personalities, Jake's taking on his own stunt, working with Duncan as a director and the similarities of Duncan and Ang, Jake saying he would like to direct one day and Pee Wee being very clear what the Source Code is.Jake and one of his favorite movie guys Ben Lyons sat down for a little chat about Source Code at Gourdough's donuts last day Saturday. (If Duncan was there - then of course - wait for it - it would have been Duncan Donuts - please keep all groans to yourself)

(and hey where did the donuts go? They were on the table in the still, but during the interview they were gone.)

Wonder if Jake got a t-shirt when he was there. You know with a Sharpie pen or a little piece of black tape - PRESTO! Birthday shopping for someone's birthday next month - all done.

Did he or didn't he? From tweets about how Jake said pecans and caramel, all signs point to a Granny's Pie donut. But did the fittest man in Hollywood indulge in the carbs?

It's just bananas to think.

Pop quiz:

Name the song

Train wheels are running through the back of my memory
When I ran on a hilltop following a pack of wild geese

Extra credit: Wrote it, Who sang it