Got, got, need.

I'm most of the way through cataloging my WW2 6mm Russians that I bought last week - and comparing it to the numbers required for the Spearhead scenarios for the Eastern Front.

On first look, it seems that only a handful of some units (Katyushas, SPG's, some American-supplied equipment etc.) but troop numbers are fine (maybe a few more SMG and engineer stands just to be safe).

It's tanks where I've got the big gap.  I need a load of later T-34's (B's and D's - the latter to include 85mm guns) as well as T-70's for later conflicts and T-26's / BT-7's for the earlier conflicts. 

Trucks is also an area for additional work - I may chuck in some American trucks as the Russians liked them (unlike the tanks!).  Some scenarios (I seem to remember) require the use of British and US tanks - which I'll then re-paint and use them to start an Allied army.

I also aim to buy a few ground attack aircraft (Sturmovich!).

So the shopping list for the birthday is almost complete!  I think I need to spend another £40 but will have enough to play the Russians throughout the war.  Which is nice.